Monday, September 3, 2007

Well, the worst that can happen is that I spend some time in your town and suddenly have an urge to enter a pie in the county fair.

I haven't posted in a while. Oops. I seem to have a problem with writing in this thing frequently. I blame it on school. If only I could quit school...then you would get my wonderful posts very very very often :).

Well, school has started. The first two days were incredibly long and boring! I'm scared of most of the course outlines I have gotten...I think Quebec is trying to kill off all grade 10 yes...I was dreading having French class on the first two days at school, and thankfully, we did not have French! SOO the year is off to a good start! :D

I just spilled chocolate on my white shirt. Excellent.

Tomorrow, we are going to Stratford for our grade trip. I'm not really excited...but it's much better than school...and apparently there is a really good fudge store in the area so that will make things interesting :) I finished packing today! My bag is pretty small..I'm really not bringing a lot...where as some people are bringing pillows, sleeping bags, etc...oh well...


I still can't get over that.

So yesterday I was watching Gilmore Girls. I love that show. It's too funny. :) :) :O)
Wow. :O) . It has a nose. OK. New topic!

Um. I haven't skated since my last post...actually maybe I have...I forget when my last post was...but anyway, last time I skated, I just kind of messed around for an hour... I didn't feel like seriously practicing anything because I knew I would not skate again for a while, so I just had fun with various jumps/spins. I landed a few axels and double salchows which surprised me because I did not expect to land ANYTHING, as I had not skated in a month and my skates were super super ultra extremely sharpened.

My brother got a Nintendo Wii for his birthday. I am officially obsessed with it. It is SOOOO fun, even though I suck! I did a "fitness test" on it...and it thought I was a 58 year old woman (in terms of my skill!!!!!! But my brother was 55 so that made me feel a little bit better...apparently we both suck, but that's ok, because it is SOOO fun to play!!! :) :) :): ) :):):):)

Alright...well I'm going to go finish packing for Stratford and maybe go for a jog...I'm feeling too lazy to run but I have been saying that I was going to go since like...a week I should go...ahhh procrastination....

I know the answer! The answer lies within the heart of all mankind! The answer is twelve? I think I'm in the wrong building. --Lucy Van Pelt

1 comment:

WistfulSparrow said...

Congratulations on your skating successes and here's hoping you had a good time in Stratford (and will tell me all about it, of course). I have no doubts that I would do far, far worse on the fitness test. Grade ten is hard. And Lucy is, for a change, spot on.