Guess what? My exam's tomorrow :)
On the positive side of things, I have finished 5 out of 5 French exams! My French teacher definitely WROTE the reading comprehension part of the exam, or is on some committee or something because there was a text by Gabrielle Roy and a text from L'Actualite in the booklet...his two favourite French things. Hmmm.
That's all for now. I'll write more on the weekend :)
Well, obviously Laurier was drunk or stoned or something, because there's no way he would have said that.
--a quote from Mr. Walsh that I found in my history notes today
--a quote from Mr. Walsh that I found in my history notes today
Ahahahaha. Okay, Laurier was the prime minister, right?
'his two favourite french things ' :)
I hate statistics too. Bar none, worst part of math. Worse than trig least there you feel more like you're drowning and less like your brain is draining out through your ears.
How did the exam go?
Oh, and that is one intense postly picture. Rugby is amazing.
yup yup he was the prime minister!
this is commenting on my own blog!
yeahhhhh statistics is terrible but the exam questions on it were easyyy :D sadly there was only like 1 trig question and i like trig because its so easy...ut it was the #25 question and it involved a mouse and a motion detector thing lol
the exam was pretty easy but i made a ocuple ridiculously stupid mistakes so thats kinda annoyingg
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