Saturday, March 1, 2008

It's time for a pointless rant because I have nothing else more intellectual to write about

Ok who made up the word phenolphthalein? I hate it. I really do. I mean it sounds cool, sure, when you can pronounce it properly. But there are way too many ways to mess up in the spelling of it. In my December science exam, I spelled it the following ways:

1) phenolphtalein
2) phenolphthaline
3) phenolpthalein

Three different ways, none of which were correct.

I also can't figure out who in the world decided to put a PH and a TH in a row in a word. It is not physically possible for me to say those two sounds together. I end up spitting at who ever is in front of me at the moment I am struggling to pronounce PHTH and then I end up pronouncing it WRONG! IT's not even that hard to pronounce!!!! My science teacher can say it correctly, AND with a Turkish accent, which must be even harder. And then theres me, sitting at hte back of the science class, wondering how in the world people can say PHTH so easily. You know what's also annoying? The fact that we have to write "It turned fuschia" instead of PINK is because FUSCHIA IS HARDER TO SPELL AHHH. Apparently the science people in Quebec are trying to make my life difficult.

Alright, well to conclude, I am writing because I'm avoiding studying my science notes in an attempt to figure out how exactly I am going to memorize [H+] = invlog (-pH) and all all the other little formula things that we will probably have a quiz on on Monday.

On a different note, I skated this morning and my coach made fun of me for 30 minutes straight. Well, pretty much. It was funny :)



Most likely to take risks to get a good cloud picture.
-As said by a prefect about Ms. Hutt

1 comment:

WistfulSparrow said...

We have to write fuschia? Uh oh.

It's a fantastically stupid word, and that's why I love it so much. I have no idea how you would pronounce it with a Turkish accent, but Turkish is a language of other fantastically long and stupid-looking words so I guess it fits in.

'Phth! Phth!'