I seem to be promising people a lot of things lately...like the pony I promised to whoever knew where the title of my last post came from. Unfortunately, the pony died by drinking toxic waste from Anne's backyard last night, and so I will not be able to present the winner with their prize. My apologies.
I realize that last week I said I would write 'tomorrow', but just so you know, when I say I will write 'tomorrow', in my blogging language, that means next week. I was busy skating last week...so I didn't really have a chance to write. I failed my dance test for the 4th time...pretty exciting, eh? My dance coach gave me great advice though: DON'T JUMP OFF A ROOF! Yup. Very good advice.
I neeeeeed to clean my room. I've been putting it off since I decided I was going to build a shelf for my movies. The shelf turned out extremely crooked and its paint job is quite horrible. The problem is, I refuse to continue cleaning my room until I clean the little corner where my DVD's are...and I can't clean that corner until I finish my shelf. And I can't finish my shelf until the construction people finish their lunch break because they are sitting in the garage and freaking me out. And they won't move until they are finished smoking and eating and whatever else they're doing. And even if they finish, my dad is making me spray paint in the backyard. And I can't go into the backyard until the construction people leave for the day. And I can't spray paint in the dark. SO I might have to wait until the weekend. SOOO, my room might have to stay messy for a bit longer.
I'm not skating this week! It's WEIRD...I am actually bored...I feel like I should skate...because I failed my test...but I am not signed up for this week and I got strict instructions saying that I have to be signed up in advance to skate this week, I can't just show up and pay. Oh well. I have two weeks to have a life before school starts. That can't be so bad, right? I think I'm a little TOO used to having skating every day...
Even though I failed my dance test twice this summer, I made tons of progress in my freestyle. I landed my axel and even a few double salchows! I learned the double toe loop, which I cannot do for my life! I also learned double loop which is pretty fun even though I can't actually rotate twice in the air. My spins have come along very nicely, as well. My flying camel almost looks like a flying camel, and my layback is much less ugly for people to watch :)!!! During my break, I plan on working on my jumps off ice, so that I can rotate them on the ground, therefore avoiding killing myself when I go back to skating in September.
Well, I am officially out of things to say or complain about. I hope you enjoyed this post. OH WAIT...Ok I'm going to tell you a joke that I heard on WestJet that I finally remembered.
Ok. So. There are two cats: one named 'One two three' and one named 'Un deux trois'. One day, the two cats decided to have a swimming race across the lake. Which cat won the race???
One two three did.
Un deux trois cat sank.
(count to 5 in French)
(un deux trois = cat's name...cat=quatre...sank=cinq)
Schroder: I like Beethoven. But Brahms makes me glad I'm alive. I think I'll go home and listen to Brahm's Fourth. I have the need to have the feeling that it's good to be alive.
Charlie Brown: I know what you mean. That's a terrible feeling to have the need of having the feeling of having...
Wow. This is a great long post.
First of all, too bad about the pony. I was hopin'.
Secondly, your cleaning-room dilemna (can't spell) is amusing, but why must you spray-paint?
Third, I'm happy to hear that you've really been making so much progress in skating. Don't think about skating too much, I guess.
Fourth: hahahaha so that's the cat joke. It's goood. It's like seven ate nine. I guess most people on your flight spoke French.
Fifth: I love Schroder. Way too much.
ooh good luck with your shelf! on the "bedroom renovation" matter, i've convinced my mom to let me repaint my room :) so we might be doing that next week.now i haven't decided on a color, to keep it the same or change it? i'm thinking a lighter shade. what do you think?
HAHAHA i love that joke.
thank god we know french!!
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