This quote from House also somewhat applies to my struggle with my skating test....the STUPID American Waltz which I have failed 4 it is almost appropriate! I start skating again on Sept. 8, but I might be able to get an hour in this week because there is "pre-season ice"!!!
I got my hair cut!! It only looked nice after I got it cut though...before I took a shower. Now, it's just poofy. Yes. Poofy. And blogger does not know how to spell poofy because it underlines that word in red every time. How else would you spell poofy? Pooffy? Pofy? Poofie? Nope. It's poofy and blogger and the dictionary it is using are wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. STARTS ON THURSDAY! Help!!!! I can't believe the summer is over. Why does time go by so quickly in the summer? When I was younger, the summers felt like they went on forever and ever...and I was glad to go back to school because I was getting bored! But now, the time goes by so quickly that I barely feel like I HAD a summer. :(
My cousin visited us the other day...he's pretty funny...and he beat up my brother which is always entertaining because I think my brother cried!!! Muahahahahahaha....he showed me this game called Lemmings which is AWESOME!! It's pretty hard, but really fun to play once you get the hang of it :). And, I like it because it's called Lemmings, and of course, I AM Stuper Lemming (my amazing animal super hero character from grade 4), so what could be a better game?
I went out to a Chinese restaurant for dinner today. And let me tell you, I have never eaten so much chicken. The best part was the peanut butter dumplings. And the general tao chicken...although Anne's chicken was pretty good too :) and so was my strawberry lemonade smoothie which I somehow was able to drink while watching Anne's drink mysteriously spill out of her straw.
Ok well I have to go now...apparently Mars is going to be the closest it's going to get for another...oh...several hundred years...maybe about 3o seconds so I am going to go and stare out my window!
Jaws from Family Guy: Hey. I'm gonna eat 'cha. I'm gonna eat that hairy leg. I'm gonna eat that other one, too. I can see right up in them shorts. Got lots of rows of teeth to chew you with. Dun-na, Dun-na, Dun-na. Oh, I did eat a fat kid on a raft earlier. That's OK though, I have been swimming a lot.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Oy with the poodles already!!!
Yesterday I saw Nicky's dog and he is the cutest thing alive!! He is so furry and fluffy and cute! :)
Today I babysat an evil two year old. I got there and he was crying and screaming....then his mom brought him to his crib and the kid fell asleep for two hours! It was awesome because I made 20$ by sitting there reading, and then feeding him a peanut butter sandwich (which he made a gigantic mess of, but his mom got home right after he made that mess so I didn't have the chance to clean it up....meaning she did it and I worked even less :) ).
I also went to the video store to try to rent the first season of Friends, but they never seem to have it when I want it....
Sadly, the summer is almost over....I am also running out of things to do, and consequently, things to write about, even though this is only my fourth post.
Right now, I'm downloading music. Yay! I'm in this very strange phase right now....I really can't listen to any new music....because I find it all sucks....I've been really into really old stuff....really weird, old stuff!...
I really really really really want to skate. Pre-season ice at CSL starts next I only have 3 more days to wait...I'm so excited! I hope I can still skate...I have been trying to practice my jumps on the ground but there is no where to do them. I've tried in the house, but I almost broke our new TV so decided that wasn't the best place...and because of the construction and freaky construction dudes in my backyard, I can't really do them there, either.
You know what is surprisingly delicious? Dipped cones from DQ. They are WAY better than I remember them....the chocolate that covers the ice cream is SOOO good...better than normal chocolate...and even though they are messy and easy to get all over your face/clothes/the ground, they are super good and I recommend you get one next time you are at the Dairy Queen.
Well, that was my advertising segment, I hope you enjoyed it.
Now, for some musical entertainment!
Na na na na na na na na FISHINGGG!! FISHINGGG!! Na na na na na na na na FISHINGGG!! FISHINGGG!! FISHINGGG!!
I hope you liked my interpretation of "Fishing" by Homer Simpson.
And now, for a short commercial break.

Commercial over. How cool is that picture!?!??!?!?!?
Ok...I'll write tomorrow I guess...I'm getting my hair cut so that should be adventurous and I might have something to say about that!
Lorelai: Heh, you know what I just realized? "Oy" is the funniest word in the entire world.
Rory: Hmm.
Lorelai: I mean think about it, you never hear the word "oy" and not smile. Impossible. Funny, funny word.
Emily: Oh dear God.
Lorelai: "Poodle" is another funny word.
Emily: Please drink your drink, Lorelai.
Lorelai: In fact, if you put "oy" and "poodle" together, in the same sentence, you'd have a great new catchphrase, you know? Like, "Oy with the poodles already."
Rory: Hehe.
Lorelai: So from now on, when the perfect circumstances arise, we will use our favorite new catchphrase:
Rory: Oy with the poodles already.
Today I babysat an evil two year old. I got there and he was crying and screaming....then his mom brought him to his crib and the kid fell asleep for two hours! It was awesome because I made 20$ by sitting there reading, and then feeding him a peanut butter sandwich (which he made a gigantic mess of, but his mom got home right after he made that mess so I didn't have the chance to clean it up....meaning she did it and I worked even less :) ).
I also went to the video store to try to rent the first season of Friends, but they never seem to have it when I want it....
Sadly, the summer is almost over....I am also running out of things to do, and consequently, things to write about, even though this is only my fourth post.
Right now, I'm downloading music. Yay! I'm in this very strange phase right now....I really can't listen to any new music....because I find it all sucks....I've been really into really old stuff....really weird, old stuff!...
I really really really really want to skate. Pre-season ice at CSL starts next I only have 3 more days to wait...I'm so excited! I hope I can still skate...I have been trying to practice my jumps on the ground but there is no where to do them. I've tried in the house, but I almost broke our new TV so decided that wasn't the best place...and because of the construction and freaky construction dudes in my backyard, I can't really do them there, either.
You know what is surprisingly delicious? Dipped cones from DQ. They are WAY better than I remember them....the chocolate that covers the ice cream is SOOO good...better than normal chocolate...and even though they are messy and easy to get all over your face/clothes/the ground, they are super good and I recommend you get one next time you are at the Dairy Queen.
Well, that was my advertising segment, I hope you enjoyed it.
Now, for some musical entertainment!
Na na na na na na na na FISHINGGG!! FISHINGGG!! Na na na na na na na na FISHINGGG!! FISHINGGG!! FISHINGGG!!
I hope you liked my interpretation of "Fishing" by Homer Simpson.
And now, for a short commercial break.

Commercial over. How cool is that picture!?!??!?!?!?
Ok...I'll write tomorrow I guess...I'm getting my hair cut so that should be adventurous and I might have something to say about that!
Lorelai: Heh, you know what I just realized? "Oy" is the funniest word in the entire world.
Rory: Hmm.
Lorelai: I mean think about it, you never hear the word "oy" and not smile. Impossible. Funny, funny word.
Emily: Oh dear God.
Lorelai: "Poodle" is another funny word.
Emily: Please drink your drink, Lorelai.
Lorelai: In fact, if you put "oy" and "poodle" together, in the same sentence, you'd have a great new catchphrase, you know? Like, "Oy with the poodles already."
Rory: Hehe.
Lorelai: So from now on, when the perfect circumstances arise, we will use our favorite new catchphrase:
Rory: Oy with the poodles already.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Oh no! I overslept! I'm late! For my nap.
Why hello. Welcome to the third post of my wonderful and exciting blog! YES. Blogger just saved my post. It's very entertaining to watch the little thing at the bottom tell me when Blogger automatically saves my writing.
I don't have much to say today. I felt sick most of today so I barely got off the couch. Watched a lot of TV...right now I'm watching Family Guy and Stewie is having a "sexy party"
I also fed the fish of the kids I babysit. That was pretty exciting. Let me tell you, if you ever have the opportunity to watch goldfish (named Goldie and Silver) eat, DO NOT MISS IT. Thank you.
Hm. So. What do people write in blogs, anyway?
Hm. Hm. Hm. I ordered Gilmore Girls season 4 off the internet, and normally the ship things really quickly, but I might only get the dvd's after school starts which is very bad because for the next two weeks, I have nothing to watch except for pointless Family Guy episodes about Stewie having sexy parties! Blogger saved my post at 10:21 PM.
I bet no one knows where the title of THIS blog comes from!!! It's another challenge. OOH. I think this one's less obvious. The prize this time shall be a chia pet. With Bermuda grass hair. Quite a novelty item.
The other thing I did today was read Harry Potter! I have decided to re-read the series :) starting with the first book which is WAY better than I remember it! I can't get over how cute the characters are before they turn into teenagers with their insane mood swings and constant anger (present in books...4 onwards basically...)!!!
Alright. Well. This is the end of my pointless rambling. I'll post more tomorrow...or the next day...depending on how bored I am since I am Gilmore Girls deprived. :P
Rory: Do something to make me hate you!
Lorelai: Um, go Hitler?
I don't have much to say today. I felt sick most of today so I barely got off the couch. Watched a lot of TV...right now I'm watching Family Guy and Stewie is having a "sexy party"
I also fed the fish of the kids I babysit. That was pretty exciting. Let me tell you, if you ever have the opportunity to watch goldfish (named Goldie and Silver) eat, DO NOT MISS IT. Thank you.
Hm. So. What do people write in blogs, anyway?
Hm. Hm. Hm. I ordered Gilmore Girls season 4 off the internet, and normally the ship things really quickly, but I might only get the dvd's after school starts which is very bad because for the next two weeks, I have nothing to watch except for pointless Family Guy episodes about Stewie having sexy parties! Blogger saved my post at 10:21 PM.
I bet no one knows where the title of THIS blog comes from!!! It's another challenge. OOH. I think this one's less obvious. The prize this time shall be a chia pet. With Bermuda grass hair. Quite a novelty item.
The other thing I did today was read Harry Potter! I have decided to re-read the series :) starting with the first book which is WAY better than I remember it! I can't get over how cute the characters are before they turn into teenagers with their insane mood swings and constant anger (present in books...4 onwards basically...)!!!
Alright. Well. This is the end of my pointless rambling. I'll post more tomorrow...or the next day...depending on how bored I am since I am Gilmore Girls deprived. :P
Rory: Do something to make me hate you!
Lorelai: Um, go Hitler?
Monday, August 13, 2007
Spider pig, spider pig, does whatever a spider pig does!
Can he swing from a web? No he can't, he's a pig! Look out! Here comes the spider pig...
If only I could import a song to this would make your day...I promise (with the exception of Anne and Rachelle's day because I think they have heard enough of Spider Pig for a while).
I seem to be promising people a lot of things the pony I promised to whoever knew where the title of my last post came from. Unfortunately, the pony died by drinking toxic waste from Anne's backyard last night, and so I will not be able to present the winner with their prize. My apologies.
I realize that last week I said I would write 'tomorrow', but just so you know, when I say I will write 'tomorrow', in my blogging language, that means next week. I was busy skating last I didn't really have a chance to write. I failed my dance test for the 4th time...pretty exciting, eh? My dance coach gave me great advice though: DON'T JUMP OFF A ROOF! Yup. Very good advice.
I neeeeeed to clean my room. I've been putting it off since I decided I was going to build a shelf for my movies. The shelf turned out extremely crooked and its paint job is quite horrible. The problem is, I refuse to continue cleaning my room until I clean the little corner where my DVD's are...and I can't clean that corner until I finish my shelf. And I can't finish my shelf until the construction people finish their lunch break because they are sitting in the garage and freaking me out. And they won't move until they are finished smoking and eating and whatever else they're doing. And even if they finish, my dad is making me spray paint in the backyard. And I can't go into the backyard until the construction people leave for the day. And I can't spray paint in the dark. SO I might have to wait until the weekend. SOOO, my room might have to stay messy for a bit longer.
I'm not skating this week! It's WEIRD...I am actually bored...I feel like I should skate...because I failed my test...but I am not signed up for this week and I got strict instructions saying that I have to be signed up in advance to skate this week, I can't just show up and pay. Oh well. I have two weeks to have a life before school starts. That can't be so bad, right? I think I'm a little TOO used to having skating every day...
Even though I failed my dance test twice this summer, I made tons of progress in my freestyle. I landed my axel and even a few double salchows! I learned the double toe loop, which I cannot do for my life! I also learned double loop which is pretty fun even though I can't actually rotate twice in the air. My spins have come along very nicely, as well. My flying camel almost looks like a flying camel, and my layback is much less ugly for people to watch :)!!! During my break, I plan on working on my jumps off ice, so that I can rotate them on the ground, therefore avoiding killing myself when I go back to skating in September.
Well, I am officially out of things to say or complain about. I hope you enjoyed this post. OH WAIT...Ok I'm going to tell you a joke that I heard on WestJet that I finally remembered.
Ok. So. There are two cats: one named 'One two three' and one named 'Un deux trois'. One day, the two cats decided to have a swimming race across the lake. Which cat won the race???
One two three did.
Un deux trois cat sank.
(count to 5 in French)
(un deux trois = cat's
Schroder: I like Beethoven. But Brahms makes me glad I'm alive. I think I'll go home and listen to Brahm's Fourth. I have the need to have the feeling that it's good to be alive.
Charlie Brown: I know what you mean. That's a terrible feeling to have the need of having the feeling of having...

I seem to be promising people a lot of things the pony I promised to whoever knew where the title of my last post came from. Unfortunately, the pony died by drinking toxic waste from Anne's backyard last night, and so I will not be able to present the winner with their prize. My apologies.
I realize that last week I said I would write 'tomorrow', but just so you know, when I say I will write 'tomorrow', in my blogging language, that means next week. I was busy skating last I didn't really have a chance to write. I failed my dance test for the 4th time...pretty exciting, eh? My dance coach gave me great advice though: DON'T JUMP OFF A ROOF! Yup. Very good advice.
I neeeeeed to clean my room. I've been putting it off since I decided I was going to build a shelf for my movies. The shelf turned out extremely crooked and its paint job is quite horrible. The problem is, I refuse to continue cleaning my room until I clean the little corner where my DVD's are...and I can't clean that corner until I finish my shelf. And I can't finish my shelf until the construction people finish their lunch break because they are sitting in the garage and freaking me out. And they won't move until they are finished smoking and eating and whatever else they're doing. And even if they finish, my dad is making me spray paint in the backyard. And I can't go into the backyard until the construction people leave for the day. And I can't spray paint in the dark. SO I might have to wait until the weekend. SOOO, my room might have to stay messy for a bit longer.
I'm not skating this week! It's WEIRD...I am actually bored...I feel like I should skate...because I failed my test...but I am not signed up for this week and I got strict instructions saying that I have to be signed up in advance to skate this week, I can't just show up and pay. Oh well. I have two weeks to have a life before school starts. That can't be so bad, right? I think I'm a little TOO used to having skating every day...
Even though I failed my dance test twice this summer, I made tons of progress in my freestyle. I landed my axel and even a few double salchows! I learned the double toe loop, which I cannot do for my life! I also learned double loop which is pretty fun even though I can't actually rotate twice in the air. My spins have come along very nicely, as well. My flying camel almost looks like a flying camel, and my layback is much less ugly for people to watch :)!!! During my break, I plan on working on my jumps off ice, so that I can rotate them on the ground, therefore avoiding killing myself when I go back to skating in September.
Well, I am officially out of things to say or complain about. I hope you enjoyed this post. OH WAIT...Ok I'm going to tell you a joke that I heard on WestJet that I finally remembered.
Ok. So. There are two cats: one named 'One two three' and one named 'Un deux trois'. One day, the two cats decided to have a swimming race across the lake. Which cat won the race???
One two three did.
Un deux trois cat sank.
(count to 5 in French)
(un deux trois = cat's
Schroder: I like Beethoven. But Brahms makes me glad I'm alive. I think I'll go home and listen to Brahm's Fourth. I have the need to have the feeling that it's good to be alive.
Charlie Brown: I know what you mean. That's a terrible feeling to have the need of having the feeling of having...
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Auugh! I've been kissed by a dog! I have dog germs! Get hot water! Get some disinfectant! Get some iodine!
This is the first post of my new blog! Yay!
I have no clue how long this one is going to last...I am going to try to actually post in this one. Maybe it will be cool. Juuuuuuust maybe.
Whoever knows where the title of this blog is from wins a pony. Yes, a pony. That moos. A moo-ing pony.
So. I'm not really sure what to write in this blog so that I don't bore you. I will start by telling you about myself.
My name is Jenna. I hope you remember that because it is an extremely important fact. I am 15 and born in October. I am indecisive. Very indecisive. I love snorkeling, soccer, figure skating, running, music, playing music on my saxophone and piano when I don't have to worry about Earl who wants me to practice 23.5 hours a day, reading Harry Potter, watching House, Grey's Anatomy, Gilmore Girls, climbing trees, biking, learning new skating jumps and falling hard on my butt while hopelessly attempting them, staring at my frog, Sid, swimming slow laps, hating Stacy on the TV show House, Marvin the Martian, Professor Snape, Neville, Ron, and cows. Moo.
I hope you enjoyed that very descriptive description about me!
Wow. I am amazed. Blogger keeps telling me that it is saving my drafts automatically! Yay!
It just saved a draft. That makes me happy because it saves me about 1 second. So I have 1 more second to write!
I'll post tomorrow (hopefully!) and tell you about my day which will (hopefully) be exciting! I know that I will be skating...which I'm really excited for because I haven't skated in a week and I'm getting quite bored! :P
“There must be millions of people all over the world who never get any love letters . . . I could be their leader.” - Charlie Brown
I have no clue how long this one is going to last...I am going to try to actually post in this one. Maybe it will be cool. Juuuuuuust maybe.
Whoever knows where the title of this blog is from wins a pony. Yes, a pony. That moos. A moo-ing pony.
So. I'm not really sure what to write in this blog so that I don't bore you. I will start by telling you about myself.
My name is Jenna. I hope you remember that because it is an extremely important fact. I am 15 and born in October. I am indecisive. Very indecisive. I love snorkeling, soccer, figure skating, running, music, playing music on my saxophone and piano when I don't have to worry about Earl who wants me to practice 23.5 hours a day, reading Harry Potter, watching House, Grey's Anatomy, Gilmore Girls, climbing trees, biking, learning new skating jumps and falling hard on my butt while hopelessly attempting them, staring at my frog, Sid, swimming slow laps, hating Stacy on the TV show House, Marvin the Martian, Professor Snape, Neville, Ron, and cows. Moo.
I hope you enjoyed that very descriptive description about me!
Wow. I am amazed. Blogger keeps telling me that it is saving my drafts automatically! Yay!
It just saved a draft. That makes me happy because it saves me about 1 second. So I have 1 more second to write!
I'll post tomorrow (hopefully!) and tell you about my day which will (hopefully) be exciting! I know that I will be skating...which I'm really excited for because I haven't skated in a week and I'm getting quite bored! :P
“There must be millions of people all over the world who never get any love letters . . . I could be their leader.” - Charlie Brown
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