Ahhh it's been forever since I've posted anything here!!!!!!!!!!
I haven't really had the chance...I've been super super busy with school and the rest of my life that I actually have not had 5 spare minutes to post a blog! But because of the long weekend, I have some time now...in between studying chemistry and watching Gilmore Girls, of course :)
So I guess I should post a little update of my life....
School is very very very very hectic! Last Thursday, this is what my day looked like: Period 1 - math, period 2 - French, period 3 - chemistry, random band rehearsal, period 4 - calculus, period 5 - physics, another band rehearsal, and then a piano lesson. Thankfully, Earl understood why I could not, for the life of me, read music or play the right notes.
I have somewhat of a dilemma though...I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I'M GOING TO DO WITH THE REST OF MY LIFE!!! I think I'm going to go to CEGEP instead of doing grade 12...but which one? Which program? AHHH I don't know....ANNNDD our academic advisor at school is completely useless..he actually thinks I'm in GRADE 10, but that's another story...soooooo in other words, I'm stresed. lol
Skating has been ok lately...my skills are still horrible but they are slowly getting better. My coach wants me to test them in December, though, so I have a TON of work to do! My jumps have been pretty good...my axel was strange today but my double salchow was ALMOSTTTT clean, my double loop is currently sometimes clean but super inconsistent...and my double toe actually looks like a double toe! It was SOOOO good today...it came out of nowhere !!
I have been working a lot on my dance lately too...it's getting better...I had a good lesson on it today and improved a lot so hopefully things will keep going like this! It's a TERRIFYING dance...it's super fast and my partner is an incredibly powerful skater so he does not make doing this dance any less petrifying!!! But, it's a lot of fun once you get used to skating at light speed :P
My next driving lesson is on Halloween...since I have no school for some reason...AND IT'S MY HIGHWAY LESSON....oh god I'm nervous already!!! I will definitely write here after my driving lesson because I will definitely have something to say!!! hahah
Ok well it's time for me to go watch an episode of Gilmore Girls (I love season 1 sooo much)...so I will write more when I get the chance :)
I almost forgot my postly picture!

Lorelai: [walking into Luke's diner] Give me a burger, onion rings, and a list of people who killed their parents and got away with it. I need some heroes.