November has been absolutely crazy BUT now, I have a 4 day weekend!!!
I don't have much to say besides that I am a music geek. It's pathetic, really. Today, I went skating with my friends and we were having lots of fun, but just as they were about to go and watch GILMORE GIRLS (!), I had to go home because I had to go to a piano lesson. And you know what I had to bring to piano?? MY FRICKEN SAX. BECAUSE I AM PLAYING MY SAX AT THE PIANO RECITAL. AHHH. AHHH.
It was pretty funny though, because for like 10 minutes, my sax wouldn't work ( I had forgotten that all my reeds are dead except for one) I spent that 10 minutes searching for it as Earl gave me dirty looks.
I had my first exam this week. Well, it was only really part of an exam: module 1,2 and 3 essay question! Guess what it was?
Describe the effects of the fur trade.
The effects of the fur trade! I even had a mnemonic for that one. It was:
But I'm going to lost a few percent because I crossed out 4 words. Great.
Besides that, nothing else really happened this week. Or last week. Or the one before.
Yup, that's about it. It is now time for a cool picture.
Skating lately has been extremely weird. One day, my jumps will be amazing and the next they will SUCK. It's so strange and very annoying because I KNOW I can do the jumps, but on the sucky days, I just don't. Hopefully Saturday will be a good day. The judge at Cote St Luc on test day is EVIL though, so my coach pulled me out for my freestyle and skills tests...I'm going to wait until March I guess. BUT, I'm testing my American for the 5th...yes, 5th time on December 8...ahhh...
Ok, well I have to go and watch Grey's Anatomy now, even though I think it's going to be a re-run. Hopefully I will post again sometime soon....
Wilson:That smugness of yours really is an attractive quality.
House: Thank you. It was either that or get my hair highlighted. Smugness is easier to maintain.