I keep thinking I'm going to post more often in this blog, but I forget...week after week after week...ahh!! So I'm going to write now to make up for all this lost time.
Yesterday was ski day! It was sooo much fun, despite the cold, and the fact that I almost died going on a "square" that was definitely NOT a square....it was for sure a diamond, plus it was narrow AND icy and right below a chair lift. It was not a fun run. But after that, I managed to do some moguls which was amazing, even though I nearly hit a tree and fell after every third mogul! :D
Skating this morning was a disaster because I was incredibly tired after yesterday's skiing. I got to the rink and got on the ice for my lesson, and my coach greeted me with her beautiful honesty. Her first words to me were: "What's wrong?? You look DEAD!" haha
I have a skating show tomorrow which should be interesting, considering my solo is brand new. I learned it in one 45 minute lesson about a week and a half ago, so I'm not too comfortable with it yet....soooo Winter Carnival should be fun! haha hopefully I will at least not fall on my footwork like I did last week.
Hmmm what else....well I'm still going through the infamous CEGEP dilemma...I have no idea where I want to apply yet, and our stupid academic advisor dude is making us hand in a form with our averages and our 1st and 2nd choices for CEGEPs and programs this week! Almost a month early! I have no clue why he wants us to choose so soon....but whatever...that means by Thursday, I will know what I'm going to do with the rest of my life. Exciting.
I've spent the last week working on a crazy assignment for music. We have to take a song by Stephen Foster and turn it into a dixieland style song. It is impossible because I obviously had to choose a song that's chords change every bar, and so I'm having a really hard time. And it's due on Monday. And I sitll have to record a solo section and then improvise over the melody at the end and create some sort of drum track. And do all the rest of my homework which includes studying for a massive math test on logs and growth and decay curves, and reading HAMLET. All tomorrow. After my skating show.
Ok so I think that's enough writing about my stressful life.
A good compromise, a good piece of legislation, is like a good sentence; or a good piece of music. Everybody can recognize it. They say, 'Huh. It works. It makes sense. - Barack Obama
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Friday, December 5, 2008
Wow it's December!
I just came to the realization that I had forgotten about my blog for 2 months!!
I will write on the weekend :)
This is how I will be spending my next two weeks:
Funnnnn, eh? Gotta love exams.
Have you ever heard songs by Bruce Springsteen's band? You know the saxophone player? How he plays so loud and intensely that it sounds like his sax is going to explode? Please sound like that during your solo for Holiday Concert.
--my somewhat crazy music teacher
I will write on the weekend :)
This is how I will be spending my next two weeks:

Have you ever heard songs by Bruce Springsteen's band? You know the saxophone player? How he plays so loud and intensely that it sounds like his sax is going to explode? Please sound like that during your solo for Holiday Concert.
--my somewhat crazy music teacher
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Yup. I got it last week!!! Since I'm an instrumental music head at school this year, I get a conducting baton and I get to conduct the band sometimes...like at the Remembrance Day assembly, I'm conducting Oh Canada....! It's pretty exciting :)
Ahhh it's been forever since I've posted anything here!!!!!!!!!!
I haven't really had the chance...I've been super super busy with school and the rest of my life that I actually have not had 5 spare minutes to post a blog! But because of the long weekend, I have some time now...in between studying chemistry and watching Gilmore Girls, of course :)
So I guess I should post a little update of my life....
School is very very very very hectic! Last Thursday, this is what my day looked like: Period 1 - math, period 2 - French, period 3 - chemistry, random band rehearsal, period 4 - calculus, period 5 - physics, another band rehearsal, and then a piano lesson. Thankfully, Earl understood why I could not, for the life of me, read music or play the right notes.
I have somewhat of a dilemma though...I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I'M GOING TO DO WITH THE REST OF MY LIFE!!! I think I'm going to go to CEGEP instead of doing grade 12...but which one? Which program? AHHH I don't know....ANNNDD our academic advisor at school is completely useless..he actually thinks I'm in GRADE 10, but that's another story...soooooo in other words, I'm stresed. lol
Skating has been ok lately...my skills are still horrible but they are slowly getting better. My coach wants me to test them in December, though, so I have a TON of work to do! My jumps have been pretty good...my axel was strange today but my double salchow was ALMOSTTTT clean, my double loop is currently sometimes clean but super inconsistent...and my double toe actually looks like a double toe! It was SOOOO good today...it came out of nowhere !!
I have been working a lot on my dance lately too...it's getting better...I had a good lesson on it today and improved a lot so hopefully things will keep going like this! It's a TERRIFYING dance...it's super fast and my partner is an incredibly powerful skater so he does not make doing this dance any less petrifying!!! But, it's a lot of fun once you get used to skating at light speed :P
My next driving lesson is on Halloween...since I have no school for some reason...AND IT'S MY HIGHWAY LESSON....oh god I'm nervous already!!! I will definitely write here after my driving lesson because I will definitely have something to say!!! hahah
Ok well it's time for me to go watch an episode of Gilmore Girls (I love season 1 sooo much)...so I will write more when I get the chance :)
I almost forgot my postly picture!

Lorelai: [walking into Luke's diner] Give me a burger, onion rings, and a list of people who killed their parents and got away with it. I need some heroes.
Ahhh it's been forever since I've posted anything here!!!!!!!!!!
I haven't really had the chance...I've been super super busy with school and the rest of my life that I actually have not had 5 spare minutes to post a blog! But because of the long weekend, I have some time now...in between studying chemistry and watching Gilmore Girls, of course :)
So I guess I should post a little update of my life....
School is very very very very hectic! Last Thursday, this is what my day looked like: Period 1 - math, period 2 - French, period 3 - chemistry, random band rehearsal, period 4 - calculus, period 5 - physics, another band rehearsal, and then a piano lesson. Thankfully, Earl understood why I could not, for the life of me, read music or play the right notes.
I have somewhat of a dilemma though...I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I'M GOING TO DO WITH THE REST OF MY LIFE!!! I think I'm going to go to CEGEP instead of doing grade 12...but which one? Which program? AHHH I don't know....ANNNDD our academic advisor at school is completely useless..he actually thinks I'm in GRADE 10, but that's another story...soooooo in other words, I'm stresed. lol
Skating has been ok lately...my skills are still horrible but they are slowly getting better. My coach wants me to test them in December, though, so I have a TON of work to do! My jumps have been pretty good...my axel was strange today but my double salchow was ALMOSTTTT clean, my double loop is currently sometimes clean but super inconsistent...and my double toe actually looks like a double toe! It was SOOOO good today...it came out of nowhere !!
I have been working a lot on my dance lately too...it's getting better...I had a good lesson on it today and improved a lot so hopefully things will keep going like this! It's a TERRIFYING dance...it's super fast and my partner is an incredibly powerful skater so he does not make doing this dance any less petrifying!!! But, it's a lot of fun once you get used to skating at light speed :P
My next driving lesson is on Halloween...since I have no school for some reason...AND IT'S MY HIGHWAY LESSON....oh god I'm nervous already!!! I will definitely write here after my driving lesson because I will definitely have something to say!!! hahah
Ok well it's time for me to go watch an episode of Gilmore Girls (I love season 1 sooo much)...so I will write more when I get the chance :)
I almost forgot my postly picture!

Lorelai: [walking into Luke's diner] Give me a burger, onion rings, and a list of people who killed their parents and got away with it. I need some heroes.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Chemistry, physics, calculus, math, French and English homework to do.
And a huge "Ethics and Religious Culture" project to do.
And I've only had one full week of school.
Enough said. lol I will be back to blogging soon though!
And a huge "Ethics and Religious Culture" project to do.
And I've only had one full week of school.
Enough said. lol I will be back to blogging soon though!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
It's a good thing you didn't break your elbow!
My coach was definitely trying to kill me during my lesson yesterday!!! It's true!!! hahaha everything started off pretty normally...the ice was really wet, and so when my coach asked me if I wanted to start with skills or freestyle, I suggested spins since most of my lessons with her involve jumps. Sooo we worked a lot on my spins, and I tried an intense camel-layback-back sit which turned out to be veryyyy ugly!!! lol and then we moved to jumps. We worked on my axel, double salchow, and double toe, and then things started to get weird. First, my coach said that we would skip working on skills since it was my last lesson with her until the fall. GREAT! I thought, because I hate skills, but oh no...she clearly had something else in mind...
First, it was that she wanted me to try flip-double toe because she said that some people find it easier to do double toe in a combination. Not me. That's all I have to say about that one. Then, we worked on double loop, and behold, she wanted me to try flip-double loop! Then, we worked on double flip and I took some very interesting falls...
AND THEN, she convinced me to try a DOUBLE LUTZ. That was not a pretty sight. I tried one and fell kind of badly, and apparently I was lucky that I didn't break my elbow. Haha so that one's going to have to wait for a while...I'm clearly not ready for it yet :)
So ya, my coach definitely tried to kill me yesterday. It was a fun lesson though :)
On a completely different note, we picked up my piano pieces for next year from the music store. I tried to play the Rachmaninoff one (whyyyyy am I playing more Rachmaninoff???) and oh boy...lots of notes...
Anyway, that's all for now...I'll try to write more before I leave on vacation but if I don't, I'll write more in a couple of weeks!!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I had to wake up at 7:00 this morning.
To babysit. At 7:30. To bring the kids to camp. Ahhhhh. And tomorrow, I have to spend 11 hours with them...I have no clue how I got myself into that....anyone have any idea how to entertain a 6 year old and an 8 year old for that long? haha it's going to be a long day.......
Skating yesterday was surprisingly really good! I worked on double salchow, double loop, double toe and double flip in my lesson, and then did some skills.
I have issues with the double salchow...because when I'm in the air, I can't, for the life of me, stay in the right position!!! My legs either uncross and I'm really open in the air, or they are so crossed that I get my blade stuck in a hole that I have in my tights and then fall!!
My double toe is pretty hopeless...although it's getting better and is less scary than it used to be...but I did take some pretty funny falls while practicing it yesterday! The good news is, my coach doesn't think I'm one of her students that should be on America's Funniest Home Videos because the majority of my falls aren't funny enough for her :P
Today I have to convince my dance coach to let me test my dance next week, because I either try it next week or wait until November, because I'm away for the test day in August. If I work on this dance until November, I might die, so I really hope I can at least try it next week...if I fail, fine...I'll retry it in the fall, but at least I'll have a CHANCE of passing...hopefully my coach will agree with me :)
Anyway I have to go...sorry about this kinda "mini-post" but I'll write more sometime this week, hopefully :)

Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. -- Douglas Adams
Skating yesterday was surprisingly really good! I worked on double salchow, double loop, double toe and double flip in my lesson, and then did some skills.
I have issues with the double salchow...because when I'm in the air, I can't, for the life of me, stay in the right position!!! My legs either uncross and I'm really open in the air, or they are so crossed that I get my blade stuck in a hole that I have in my tights and then fall!!
My double toe is pretty hopeless...although it's getting better and is less scary than it used to be...but I did take some pretty funny falls while practicing it yesterday! The good news is, my coach doesn't think I'm one of her students that should be on America's Funniest Home Videos because the majority of my falls aren't funny enough for her :P
Today I have to convince my dance coach to let me test my dance next week, because I either try it next week or wait until November, because I'm away for the test day in August. If I work on this dance until November, I might die, so I really hope I can at least try it next week...if I fail, fine...I'll retry it in the fall, but at least I'll have a CHANCE of passing...hopefully my coach will agree with me :)
Anyway I have to go...sorry about this kinda "mini-post" but I'll write more sometime this week, hopefully :)
My skates when they were new and pretty and not full of scratches like they are now lol
Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. -- Douglas Adams
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I am being rebellious.
I painted my nails blue. Ok, I know that's not exactly rebellious, but it is for someone who has spent the past four years in a school where if you wear even the most discreet nail polish, you will get a detention in less than a second and be sent to the chem. lab to use some of the quickly running out nail polish remover stash stored in my science teacher's office, it's rebellious.
School is finally over! I didn't think I would ever survive 12 exams, but I did, somehow! Some of them were ridiculously easy, some were pure evil, but as long as I passed them all and as long as I got 75 in science and 85 in math (so I can get into chemistry, physics and pre-calculus next year), it doesn't really matter how I did. I mean, I WANT to do well, but on exams like history, that aren't pre-requisites for anything, as long as I passed, it doesn't matter if I got a 70 or an 80 or a 90, really.
The postly picture for this post...inspired by my ridiculous biology exams...is a giant molecule of starch that we built in biology earlier in the year....yes, we are cool...
On a more exciting note, I skated yesterday for the first time in 31 days (my dance coach counted)! I got on the ice and I was pretttttyyyy shaky....I almost caught my pick stroking, which would have lead to a pretty intense wipe out... Anyway, I started off badly, and kind of couldn't do a scratch spin or a camel, for that matter, but by my lesson, I was almost back to normal again. My spins still weren't great, but my flying camel was better than it's ever been (5 rotations!!!) and I landed every axel I tried, with the exception of one. My double salchow was terrible, though...I think I might have lost it...I think I landed like one out of ten...but hopefully it will come back soon! My double loop was ok...I was jumping super high but not pulling in enough so I wasn't really rotating, but I guess that's what happens when you don't skate for a month! lol
I'm off the ice today, because it's glorious Quebec day, but I'm back at it tomorrow! I learned my new skills yesterday, and all I can say is HOLY CRAP. Loops are impossible! My coach thinks these skills will take me a year, and I fully agree, for once! lol they are really hard...apparently harder than senior silver and gold...and I'm terrible at skills (my coach puts it so nicely though, she says that "skills don't come naturally for me"), so these skills will be a rather interesting experience!
I also worked on the Harris Tango yesterday! I was not successful in making my coach teach me the Killian, but I'll work on him...haha he's not big on working on 2 dances at once...
Anyway I have to go, but I'll write more on Thursday, because I'm getting my wisdom teeth out (help), so I won't be skating, and I'll need a way to pass the time...hopefully I won't look too much like a chipmunk...
Birds go flying at the speed of sound, to show you how it all began. Birds came flying from the underground, if you could see it then you'd understand. --Coldplay
School is finally over! I didn't think I would ever survive 12 exams, but I did, somehow! Some of them were ridiculously easy, some were pure evil, but as long as I passed them all and as long as I got 75 in science and 85 in math (so I can get into chemistry, physics and pre-calculus next year), it doesn't really matter how I did. I mean, I WANT to do well, but on exams like history, that aren't pre-requisites for anything, as long as I passed, it doesn't matter if I got a 70 or an 80 or a 90, really.

On a more exciting note, I skated yesterday for the first time in 31 days (my dance coach counted)! I got on the ice and I was pretttttyyyy shaky....I almost caught my pick stroking, which would have lead to a pretty intense wipe out... Anyway, I started off badly, and kind of couldn't do a scratch spin or a camel, for that matter, but by my lesson, I was almost back to normal again. My spins still weren't great, but my flying camel was better than it's ever been (5 rotations!!!) and I landed every axel I tried, with the exception of one. My double salchow was terrible, though...I think I might have lost it...I think I landed like one out of ten...but hopefully it will come back soon! My double loop was ok...I was jumping super high but not pulling in enough so I wasn't really rotating, but I guess that's what happens when you don't skate for a month! lol
I'm off the ice today, because it's glorious Quebec day, but I'm back at it tomorrow! I learned my new skills yesterday, and all I can say is HOLY CRAP. Loops are impossible! My coach thinks these skills will take me a year, and I fully agree, for once! lol they are really hard...apparently harder than senior silver and gold...and I'm terrible at skills (my coach puts it so nicely though, she says that "skills don't come naturally for me"), so these skills will be a rather interesting experience!
I also worked on the Harris Tango yesterday! I was not successful in making my coach teach me the Killian, but I'll work on him...haha he's not big on working on 2 dances at once...
Anyway I have to go, but I'll write more on Thursday, because I'm getting my wisdom teeth out (help), so I won't be skating, and I'll need a way to pass the time...hopefully I won't look too much like a chipmunk...
Birds go flying at the speed of sound, to show you how it all began. Birds came flying from the underground, if you could see it then you'd understand. --Coldplay
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